... and let the Earth be silent after ye.
Well, Eli Roth's latest abortion (Hostel) is coming to screens soon. This, combined with my recent viewing of Greg McLean's Wolf Creek, has led me to believe that the slasher genre has gone from measuring the amount of blood on screen to the sheer amount of sadism and ruthlessness that can be fit into a theatre-friendly time limit and R-rating(C'mon ... how can nudity upset people more that base violence?). Slasher movies used to be corny and just out-right fake(e.g., Jason, Freddy, Michael, etc), but now realism is the main goal, and showing the worst possible people on earth is now entertainment. I'm not saying base behavior shouldn't be entertainment (look at The Godfather, The Wild Bunch, Taxi Driver, The French Connection, even The Devil's Rejects!), but is there a line? More specifically, when does a horror movie cease being terrifying and become horrible?
I am not a robot...
I have to admit, I was expecting more from you with this thread title, phi_!
... and let the Earth be silent after ye.
I'm like walking disappointment most of the time.