Yo guys. I figure we all kinda sort of have the same interests. So what would y'all do if every week you had 3 days off and only worked 20 hours over 4 days? I would also consider cost in your recommendations, I'm not broke but money isn't raining over me.
My current things I am thinking about is Homebrew ham radio specifically QRP, Ultralight backpacking, and then I start to draw blanks. I kinda want to install open on my x60 but havent yet figured how to do this with a usb key, cooking or learning how to cook sounds like a good idea, just generally riding my bicycle aimlessly around probably has some perks, cleaning my house may be a good one.
The thing is my ideas either seem really impractical with three days off (cycle touring, mountaineering) or extremely mundane (cleaning house, cooking meals, installing bsd) I guess I am looking for the middle ground maybe something a tad social where I can go out and meet people, not too terribly expensive, and something that has that niche factor. Im at a loss myself, hopefully you guys can help.
you can get some decent mountaineering done in three days!
i like climbing, racquetball, and squash for additional entertainment.
what about the arts? anything from music to fine arts to words.
if you are looking for a sport where you can meet lots of interesting people you should take up shotgun shooting. really. it is not terribly expensive unless you buy a gun.
not sure where you live but if you live in vancouver you could do some urban exploring.
cleaning is a good thing to do, since you have all this time you might look at de-cluttering your place and going minimalist.
arts are good!
the law is no protection
if it was warm I would suggest long bike rides.
in the cold, I'm kind of at a loss. I bake when I have time on my hands, but that isn't terribly satisfying.
Don't Let Your Walls Down
damn, if i had that kind of schedule i would probably lift/run more often, finish airplane models, cook, and read more.
i'm on my reading week at home in london. i just cleaned my parents house for an hour and a half and now i'm planning on sitting in their hot tub for another hour and reading :D
haha chiken i was going to say do airplane models but i thought it was too nerdy. so yeah karpet make models.
Don't Let Your Walls Down
model building is one of my hobbies i usually keep to myself since it does come off pretty nerdy but i've been doing it for as long as i can remember. it's kinda like a family thing, my grandpa was amazing at it, my dad was amazing at it, and now im trying to master the art of model building.
my dad was a big model builder too. when i was a kid (like way way back) i used to build models but i didn't really care about the job and i just wanted to build them as quickly as possible.
i stopped for a while, then a few years ago i went out and bought an sr-71 blackbird model (level 2 difficulty) and spent a few days with it. it turned out pretty well, i should do some more.
Drunk by Myself
.. All I want to do is play some cards ..
Thank you for the idea guys. I can remember trying to build models when I was 10 or so. It never worked out well. I too was in a rush. I'll continue to think about it. When I get some brilliant ideas I will totally let you all know. Thanks
cursed, but the demons i confronted with dispersed
nothing is wrong - what are you scared of?
cooking is a good time sink. it is especially satisfying when you make something worth eating.
living in bum fuck egypt (wyoming) i run into the same problems. I go to the gym a lot now and do a lot of running/lifting. i spend most of my day cooking now when i'm not in class. I also read and if the weather is nice I can go hiking or rock stacking. I highly recommend starting rock stacking. it is very healthy :)
other than that just hangin out with friends is what I do. I don't really get out and meet new people very often.
cursed, but the demons i confronted with dispersed
rock ... stacking :(
when i'm bored i just, dig a really deep hole with a shovel. or if i'm really bored, i just use my finger nails.
nothing is wrong - what are you scared of?
i'm loving this rock stacking idea
greene, you should be loving as well
nothing is wrong - what are you scared of?
it is highly theraputic. i do it when i need to relax or meditate. i think of it as a form of meditation. everything feels awesome when you finally find the spot where the rocks are relaxed and in the right position.
you might think it is silly, but give it a shot. you'll be surprised!
woah thats insane. looks like it takes lots of time and skill.