Drunk by Myself
I realized I'm getting fat. I've decided to take up jogging again, followed by math and poker, but that's beside the point. Please help me achieve my 500 mile goal. I NEED to do this ... or else I'm fucked OS wise next year.
http://nikeplus.nike.com/nikeplus/?l=runners, … 7,15225323
nothing is wrong - what are you scared of?
nice! keep it up
how does this work exactly?
Drunk by Myself
It's a pedometer you put in your shoes. You insert a wireless receiver into the jack at the bottom where you plug in your iPod to the PC. It wirelessly updates the data from the pedometer to the device. You can see how far you've run AS you run. It's pretty damn accurate.
that's cool.
how many km do you run each time?
Drunk by Myself
Refresh. If you'd like, I can convert it to KM momentarily. Just gimme a time frame of when you want to access the site :)
almost a third there! you have to run 20mi in 13 days... a mile and a half a day. it doesn't sound like a lot to me but i guess when you have to do it for 13 days in a row (or take longer runs less frequently) it starts to hurt.
but good on you for doing this. i'd rather use a stationary bike/bike.
Drunk by Myself
I rock.
Drunk by Myself
I failed you guys :(
But its ok! Because I know I'll make my quota for next month!
keep at it gatz
don't worry about it - setting a goal that is too hard is probably better then setting one that is too easy.
best of success next month!
this post has been archived.
Drunk by Myself
It wasn't hard. I just party'd way too much.
My tolerance has been built up to where I can easily do four miles now :)
Drunk by Myself
Drunk by Myself
I'm not failing this month