Don't Let Your Walls Down
I've never been one to want to have a full schedule and always try to have as much free time as possible but for the next month and a half or so its balls to the walls for me. I picked up a second job at the CoT at Tech setting up servers, rewiring cables, and doing lab maintenance on top of my late night fedex job. between full time classes, softball season in full swing, and homework it looks like ill only be getting 3~4 hours of sleep a day, M-F. I'm kind of excited to see how I deal with the stress and will be extremely excited if I can keep my 3.5 which is so far so good.........
!!!! do you get weekends off?
seems like a bad idea
Don't Let Your Walls Down
yes, and i party my ass off.
on this note i am on a ttfbreak until exams are finished = april 24
peace y'all
Drunk by Myself
oh damn. Dude watch out. I've been here. It sucks.
Don't Let Your Walls Down
right now, the worst day by far is tuesday. 8 A.M. class and class all day until 4 P.M. I'm about to try and sit through a Network Security lecture with out falling asleep.
Drunk by Myself
So how did it go?
Drunk by Myself
this post has been archived.
Don't Let Your Walls Down
tuesday sucked hardcore. i stayed awake up until my 2 pm class when i finally couldn't take it any more and walked out about an 45 minutes into the lecture so i could go home and sleep.
I talked to my professor today and he's cool with me cutting the class as long as i stick around for the quizes. The class is comp maint. II, I know the shit, I just forgot to challenge the class.