which paper products do you prefer?
i like:
rhodia pads (no. 16 quad is my favorite)
fabriano medioevalis stationery
crane & co. cards and lined envelopes
nothing is wrong - what are you scared of?
I've been looking for some good ones to write letters on.. might consider just recycling some and making it at home.
i like the paper borås tapeter makes/uses in their books
no, bookpaper
well then my google search failed me. have any links? are they a publisher or do they make notebooks?
they primarily make wallpaper, it seems
turns out that the notebook is actually made by rationella media ab. borås tapeter probably just designed the cover
i've got one of each of these two (a6 and a5 sizes):
http://www.rationellamedia.se/webbshopen/bild … 647214.jpg
http://www.rationellamedia.se/webbshopen/bild … 647244.jpg
ooh, nice
drywall works pretty good as a motivational piece of paper
I did not click post yet!
to elaborate, simply put a goal and a date on there. And if by said date the goal is not reached you can have someone smash the drywall over your skull, literally shattering your goals that were a waste of a piece of drywall in the first place. However, if accomplished, keep piece of drywall then finish a basement or your house with it someday. So either way it is a happy ending.
the law is no protection
oh my god I love this idea about drywall.