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呗当䕓卓佉彎佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎乕佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎乕佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎乕佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎佌佇䙆䕓噒䍉彅佃呎佒彌䡓呕佄乗呗当佃华䱏彅佃乎䍅ൔ圊協卟卅䥓乏䱟䝏乏呗当䕓卓佉彎佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎乕佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎乕佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎乕佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎乕佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎佌佇䙆䕓噒䍉彅佃呎佒彌䡓呕佄乗呗当佃华䱏彅佃乎䍅ൔ圊協卟卅䥓乏䱟䝏乏呗当䕓卓佉彎佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎乕佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎乕佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎乕佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎乕佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎佌佇䙆䕓噒䍉彅佃呎佒彌䡓呕佄乗呗当佃华䱏彅佃乎䍅ൔ圊協卟卅䥓乏䱟䝏䙏െ匊剅䥖䕃䍟乏剔䱏卟啈䑔坏ൎ圊協卟卅䥓乏䱟䝏乏 呗当佃华䱏彅佃乎䍅ൔ圊協卟卅䥓乏䱟䝏䙏െ匊剅䥖䕃䍟乏剔䱏卟啈䑔坏ൎ圊協䍟乏体䕌䍟乏䕎呃呗当䕓卓佉彎佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎乕佌䭃呗当䕓卓佉彎佌䭃 呗当䕓卓佉彎乕佌䭃
Bai Sen, OU MU bends when䕓zhuo wretched 䭃chant when䕓zhuo bending Sen, OU MU乕 wretched䭃chant when䕓zhuo wretched bending Sen, OU MU䭃 chant when䕓zhuo bending Sen, OU MU乕 wretched䭃chant when䕓zhuo wretched bending Sen, OU MU䭃 chant when䕓Sen, OU MU乕zhuo bending䭃wretched Bai Zhuo䕓Sen, OU MU bends when wretched䙆queue䕓噒䍉Dianxiang彅feet佒indemnity䡓vomit when佄by Bai Dian Hua 䱏彅ൔ pigsty Dian䍅Association between porphyrin䥓thirty䱟lack䝏lack Bai Sen, OU MU bends when䕓zhuo wretched 䭃chant when䕓zhuo bending Sen, OU MU乕 wretched䭃chant when䕓zhuo wretched bending Sen, OU MU䭃 chant when䕓zhuo bending Sen, OU MU乕 wretched䭃chant when䕓zhuo wretched bending Sen, OU MU䭃 chant when䕓Sen, OU MU乕zhuo bending䭃wretched Bai Sen, OU MU bends when䕓zhuo䭃wretched Bai Zhuo䕓Sen, OU MU bends when乕wretched䭃 Bai Zhuo䕓Sen, OU MU bends when wretched䙆queue䕓噒䍉Dianxiang彅feet佒indemnity䡓vomit 佄by Bai When Dian Dian Hua䱏彅even䍅pigsty ൔ Association porphyrin thirty䥓lack䱟lack䝏 Bai Sen, OU MU bends when䕓zhuo wretched䭃 Bai Sen, OU MU bends when䕓zhuo乕wretched䭃 Bai Sen, OU MU bends when䕓zhuo wretched 䭃chant when䕓Sen, OU MU乕zhuo bending䭃wretched Bai Sen, OU MU bends when䕓zhuo䭃wretched Bai Zhuo䕓Sen, OU MU bends when乕wretched䭃 Bai Sen, OU MU bends when䕓zhuo䭃wretched Bai Zhuo䕓Sen, OU MU bends when乕wretched 䭃chant when䕓zhuo Sen, OU MU bending wretched䙆queue䕓噒䍉彅foot tenant佒indemnity by佄䡓vomit when Bai Hua Dian Dian䱏彅even䍅pigsty ൔ Association porphyrin䥓thirty䱟lack䝏䙏receive with both hands െ剅䥖䕃䍟lack porphyrin䱏tick啈䑔bad pigsty ൎ ADPL porphyrin䥓thirty䱟lack䝏lack chant when Dian Dian Hua䱏彅pigsty ൔ Association between䍅porphyrin䥓thirty䱟lack䝏䙏receive with both hands െ剅䥖䕃lack䍟tick䱏porphyrin啈䑔bad pigsty ൎ Association䍟poor body䕌uh䍟lack䕎 Bai Sen, OU MU bends when䕓zhuo wretched䭃 Bai Sen, OU MU bends when䕓zhuo wretched乕䭃Bai Sen, OU MU bends when䕓zhuo wretched䭃 Bai Sen, OU MU bends when䕓zhuo乕petty䭃
Summary of changes
Version 1.52
* [Important] End of support for Windows 2000.
o Note: For Windows 2000 users, use the version 1.51a.
* (New) Adds the new feature, 'Use Energy Saving Wallpaper', in Battery Stretch.
* (New) Makes changes to some parts of user interface.
* (New) Changes that the display brightness increases and decreases immediately while operating the slider control.
* (Fix) Fixed an issue where changes in a power scheme were applied even if the Apply button was not clicked.
* (Fix) Fixed an issue that did not restore settings when a power scheme was changed and then the Cancel button was clicked.
* (Fix) Fixed an issue where the Battery Maintenance... button was not displayed if PeakShift was installed.
* (Fix) Fixed an issue that could not disable the "Beep when power state changes" setting in Global Power Settings.
* (Fix) Fixed an issue that took long to display the Power Manager Gauge in the task bar when the "Show Power Manager Gauge in task bar" setting was once disabled and then enabled.
* (Fix) Fixed an issue that created an unnecessary file under the root directory in the C drive.
* (Fix) Fixed an issue where the "Closing the lid" setting was changed to "No action" when the setting was set to "Puts the computer is Hibernate" and then the computer resumed normal operation from hibernation state.
* (Fix) Fixed an issue that displayed an error message when a link for battery information was clicked in the battery tab.
* (Fix) Fixed an issue that did not apply the "Lower display brightness" setting after a power scheme was created.