I think it's fake authentic. the auction said "New Genuine MacBook Battery," but the writing on the bottom of it is kind of weird. on the original, stock battery it's a darker gray color and doesn't feel as raised off of the smooth metal of the battery itself. this could be a result of being used for over two years, but I'm not sure.
what makes it more suspicious is that the type on the new one looks a little off. particularly, the g looks like it's too big or something.
here are pics:
I can't decide if I care enough to send it back.
Question is, do you want a two year old battery in the first place? Batteries don't last forever, and while they are a lot better than a few years ago, a typical battery will last about 3 to 4 years under normal usage.
:/ my mbp battery sucks ass. need a new one too. that one looks a bit sketchy.
I'll post a high res pic of mine for comparison.
How long does a brand new battery last? My mac is about 18 months old and its battery lasts between 2 and 2.5 hours.