latex users unite!
i just found some nice amsmath docs:
a classic latex2e introduction:
not so short
does anyone know how to change the horizontal spacing between elements in an array?
chicago.bst certainly doesn't conform to
the chicago manual of style, e13.
i don't know how to get true chicago.
this is close, but it generates some errors. i can't figure out how to fix it. :(
got it!
get ChicagoReedWeb.bst
here and then apply this patch:
*** ChicagoReedWeb.bst Wed Mar 14 10:53:28 2007
--- ChicagoJLR.bst Mon Nov 16 04:12:33 2009
*** 139,149 ****
{ add.period$
- annote missing$
- { "\bibAnnoteFile{" cite$ * "}" * write$ newline$ }
- { "\bibAnnote{" cite$ * "}{" * annote * "}" * write$ newline$
- }
- if$
FUNCTION {new.block}
--- 139,144 ----
i don't know what those \bibAnnote{} and \bibAnnoteFile{} functions do, but they were making a mess. all better!
thinks darkness is his ally
latex-based quizzes and tests for upcoming econ class:
hanging indents don't work by default inside of the question environment. they also don't work for text inside of the question environment when applied to the whole document.
* i attempted to wrap relevant portions of the question environment/document with the <tt>hangparas</tt> environment (available through the <tt>hanging</tt> package). This did nothing to the text, but modified the <tt>\choice</tt>s inadvertently.
* i attempted to enclose the relevant question text in several latex containers, all to no avail:
** <tt>\makebox[width][align]{text}</tt>
** <tt>\parbox[align]{text}</tt>
** <tt>\mbox</tt>
To indent subsequent lines of a paragraph, use the TeX command \hangindent. (While the default behavior is to apply the hanging indent after the first line, this may be changed with the \hangafter command.) An example follows.
<tt>\hangindent=0.7cm This paragraph has an extra indentation at the left.</tt>
r3: leaving <tt></tt> inline for neural rendering by reader
i cannot get the isodate package to work. no repository has it! it's on the ctan website! … b/isodate/
i'm making some accounting macros. i'll share shortly. :)
Does anyone know how to write a function definition in multiple cases in a way that allows you to add a label to each case?
Something like this:
| 1, if x > 0 (1)
f(x) = <
| 0, otherwise (2)
no, i think that would be pretty difficult. i'd guess that you would need to do a hack job with it. for example, but the two lines on the right into a box or frame or something, then use a math mode to to label the lines separately.
good luck!
Gave up and just went with "the first case of Equation~\ref{eq:foo}" or whatever.