Cut command is ⇧Shift+Del
Copy is Ctrl+Ins
Paste is ⇧Shift+Ins
Windows Flag+Break - System Properties
Cisco password reset (different key combinations for terminal programs, or emulation)
PrnScrn, Ctrl+v - regular screen capture
Alt+PrnScrn - capture of the window in focus to clipboard
enabled: arrow keys will scroll the screen
disabled: arrow keys used to move active cell
I can't see how useful insert is for copy/cut/paste. You pretty much have to have both hands on the keyboard, or you use your right hand only, but why when you can left hand control+c/x/v and mouse?
Break seems most useless overall.
the law is no protection
I love windows key+pause/break!
are some of these just around to not break compatibility with really old software?
never used 'em in my life, insert is so annoying when it's accendently pressed, and i assume end and home are some sort of browser keys?
I didn't know about Windows Flag+Break - System Properties that might be handy. I hate insert key it always gets hit when I don't want it. We have to keep the end key it is the old way i can get to the bottom of ttf until Lucas builds me a button(I'm still willing to bid :))
INSERT: I hate it because it puts my cursor in replace mode in just about any application/OS.
SCROLL LOCK: I like it for terminal emulator scrolling. Unfortunately only FreeBSD's syscons and Konsole support it.
the law is no protection
you've never used the end or home keys, weasley? that's insane. they go to the beginning (home) or end (duh) of a line of text. or the top or bottom of a webpage. I use them all the time!
end and home make me much more productive
i use home, end, pigs up, and pigs down too, scrolling can take too much time when a simple button mash will work.
pigs up and down? :]
technically it would be 'bild' up and down on my keyboard! which appears to mean tabloid?
oh yeah, you have the killer german keyboard from carpetsmoker. :)
I am not a robot...
I have a small "enter" key next to my apple button that I've never even noticed before. I don't think I've ever used it.
your large one is "return," yeah?
they needed to offer the analogue to "escape," i suppose.
I am not a robot...
I would think return could handle that job...yep, that's my large key
> technically it would be 'bild' up and down on my keyboard! which appears to mean tabloid?
Not sure if this a joke or not ... If it was a joke, then it's a pretty good one. If it wasn't, it's would be even more funny.
it wasn't meant to be, i really don't know what's going on :p
> technically it would be 'bild' up and down on my keyboard! which appears to mean tabloid?
I am puzzled by this statement.
the part about it meaning tabloid? i don't know, i was using google translate and definitions in german...? i didn't see anywhere where there was any straight translation of it meaning page up or down, for all i know it could literally be pigs up and down.
"Bild" literally translates to something like "Image" in English.
It can have different meanings depending on context, but one of them more or less translates to "Page".
"Bild" is also a German tabloid-like newspaper. It's not a very ... high-standard newspaper to put it mildly (A bit like the sun in the UK ... If I check right now it has Amy Witehouse's tits on the cover ... 'Nuff said about the "quality" I think).
(To explain the newspaper's name: In another context it can mean the same as image in this sentence: "I have a good image of US politics").
thanks for that :)