i hate them!
this one says:
$1500 / 3br - 2045 Paseo Almeria (Santa Barbara)
whoa! a three-bedroom and three-bathroom house in santa barbara for only $1500/month!
"$1500 / 3br" is a misnomer. they mean 3 * ($1500 / 1br). see what they did there? yeah, they're asking $4500.
this is a common practice there.
this one says:
$135 / 1br - WALK TO BEACH, HARBOR, 2-CAR GARAGE, POOL, SPA SAUNA (West Beach Santa Barbara)
so what does that mean? how can one bedroom cost $135 per month? there must be twenty sardine-sized rooms in a house that costs $2700 per month to rent.
it's a one bedroom condo. when they say "$135 / 1br," they mean
per day.
in my experience, first one is common in student towns.
second one is common in ultra pricey places - last time i saw that was in london uk