look at these deals you can get from gandi.net!
larz.bid (10 years) US$25.00
larz.men (10 years) US$25.00
larz.party (10 years) US$29.90
larz.date (10 years) US$29.90
larz.stream (10 years) US$29.90
larz.trade (10 years) US$29.90
larz.review (10 years) US$29.90
larz.download (10 years) US$29.90
larz.science (10 years) US$50.00
all these generic TLDs kinda suck, but 10 years for $50 or less is amazing. i paid $50 for larz.is for one year alone!
draws.lol cost me $3.46 for one year :>
that's your webpage? i like it. but why use google services (analytics, api)?
they're a friend's drawings
i use analytics because everyone else seems to
i get jquery from google because i think that line is copied verbatim from the image gallery's example
damnit, mor.bid is taken/expensive
all these gTLDs suck
the law is no protection
I love cheap tlds!! .pw is super cheap at gandi right now. I got a .email domain and configured it on my fastmail account so I can use whatever @mydomain.email to get emails for random shit I sign up for. I can also send as whatever I want @mydomain.email via fastmail. I <3 fastmail.
the law is no protection
I also <3 gandi for the record
some of these super-cheap ones have expensive renewals :/