moved to wlwl v.2
i literally moved the contents of this thread into wlwlv2:
note: the link to wlwlv2 has been moved out of the "archive" section and up with ttf.
and wlwlv2 has been shut down hard. no more logging in nor posting comments.
well that's shitty, any reasons?
noone was posting. plus i'm sick of that thing. the design kinda assumes that a certain group of people will remain active. having one person active just isn't cool enough anymore.
so is it going down or what?
ps i hate my avatar, work must be done to replace it
well, i'll see what i can do about ttf 1.0.
db, i'd rather people just do their own blogs. if you want the source code for the wl web logs, let me know. it would be easy to adapt to a personal site (plus, it'd be cool to see you with a site again!)
> so is it going down or what?
you can't login or post comments anymore. it's in "archive mode," just like version 1. check
Major bump right here!
I'd like to see dbrown with a decent blog, logosbackward returns? I'd like to see myself with a decent blog too. I'm gonna rock it!
I miss wlwv2 but man wlwv1 was the best ever because of the blog-like formation.